An old song is knocking about next door. She is loud
and laughing and her feet won’t stop moving and the
drink in her hand slips into something like a dress
darkling. I hold my breath between my teeth as if to
light it, catch it in my hands and throw it at the wall –
something like a taste like sleep. Something like a sky
trickles into my mouth. Girls seep (out of the) night,
cling to pomegranate-tree body and wrap their arms
around a neck hesitant and drunk on what they told
us was confusion, and my mind unsound drowns out
desire. Still this racy looking-glass thing speaks to me
in drab curtains and cardboard mania, and my god
does it hurt to turn her off; and my god does it hurt to
shut her out, old song knocking on my door steadfast
drunk slurring her words staggering like stoned. And I
want to hold her still scared to touch her still burning
dull under the sheets. She is grit and bounty relentless
fire exquisite colour dry-bark kissing girls murmuring to
life; and god if it didn’t hurt to let her in, to undress her
(tender); but girl did I need to hear her (make me) cry.
An old song is knocking about next door. She is loud
and laughing and her feet won’t stop moving and the
drink in her hand slips into something like a dress
darkling. I hold my breath between my teeth as if to
light it, catch it in my hands and throw it at the wall –
something like a taste like sleep. Something like a sky
trickles into my mouth. Girls seep (out of the) night,
cling to pomegranate-tree body and wrap their arms
around a neck hesitant and drunk on what they told
us was confusion, and my mind unsound drowns out
desire. Still this racy looking-glass thing speaks to me
in drab curtains and cardboard mania, and my god
does it hurt to turn her off; and my god does it hurt to
shut her out, old song knocking on my door steadfast
drunk slurring her words staggering like stoned. And I
want to hold her still scared to touch her still burning
dull under the sheets. She is grit and bounty relentless
fire exquisite colour dry-bark kissing girls murmuring to
life; and god if it didn’t hurt to let her in, to undress her
(tender); but girl did I need to hear her (make me) cry.