i) Iceland High summer. The sun always in sight. As we stroll down to his pastures at midnight Haldor tells me the last sheep was born blind. ii) Rhyme Night write implied imprint late lied. I tried to find the one that might enclose a glint of my image, the way liquid catches the light. iii) Rockclimbing it can take a while to fall you really wonder how much weight the rope can take IN STRICT SEQUENCE
one, two, three, four, five waiting for thunder counted on fingers pricking out distance nails dug into palms on opposite hands the miles were divided into straight lines and vicious corners cracking sound spills after silver edges wrenching apart our sky we stand in the midst of it rooted to a spot of tussocky herbage and we shout spiralling above the storm our terror of soundless water of lightning and waiting for that blast of thunder again we were here again counted strict sequence again lightning fades into riproar of sound into pressing to the earth into straight cracked lines Notes for Woolf’s cat
The waves, she says, are moving, one after another Pursuing each other, Perpetually. Do you, too, pursue? Just under the surface and Never quite caught. Frantically cycling after pink skies while they last Run, the finger’s getting away The uncaught catch is that its doing it just for the movement. We’re running in circles and chasing a god. Just keep busy. And perpetually we chase light Not knowing where it lies. Dumb moths grow drunk on unknown whites. Catch. |
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